ICC Region II



January Minutes 2019


Immediate Past President: Charlie Allen, Idaho callen@ci.ammon.id.us

President: Jack E Applegate, Oregon (541) 484-9080 JackA@nwcodepros.com (Site Administrator)

Vice-President: Mark Panilo, Alaska (907)267-4975 PaniloMM@ci.anchorage.ak.us

Treasurer: Russell Murphy, Montana (406)853-5084 Rgmurphyco@gmail.com

Secretary: Cody Gunn, Montana (406)698-3936 gunnc@ci.billings.mt.us


Meeting called to order by President Jack Applegate at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time

Attending on the call:

Name Representing or Calling From:
Jack Applegate

Mark Panilo

Region II President, (OR)

Region II Vice President, (AK)

Charlie Allen Region II Immediate Past President (ID)
Russell Murphy

Cody Gunn

CJ Marincus

Stephanie Jacobson

Region II Treasurer (MT)

Region II Secretary (MT)

Region II Director at Large (OR)

Region II Director at Large (OR)

Chris Ochoa

Donny Phipps

Jim Brown

Mike Boso

ICC Government Relations

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

Jim Sayers

David Spencer

Ron Hampton

Warren Jackson

Terry Otten

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

Marion County (OR)

Book Keeper (ID)

Travis Fenton

Jessica Iverson

Billings MT

Billings MT

Michele Linbarger

Clay Goodrich

Gary Shank

George Daily

Kathy Clay






Rick Benton

John Laux






Call to Order:

Introductions: Cody- Start the meeting this time by introducing the new people who were brought on the call for the mentorship challenge. Jack introduced Clay Goodrich with Smart Vent. Clay- He is from Region II and works with ICC to ensure the products they represent from Floodproofing.com are code compliant. He is honored to be on the call. Jack- Reminder that Smart Vent made the first and only commercial contribution to Safety 2.R last year. Jack also brought John Balcame who is the building official for the city of Albany OR. He is new to the position, formerly representing the Oregon HBA. Jim Stock from region V is also on the call.

Presidents Opening Comments: Jack will be going do IDABO this month for their state meeting and education conference. He has been continuing work on the safety 2.R program looking into attaining more sponsorship from corporate members. He asks if you have any corporate sponsors in everyone’s respective areas that we are comfortable approaching please let Jack know.

Previous and Continuing Business:

  1. Approval of Minutes- Motioned John Laux Seconded David Spencer
  2. Treasurers Report- Russell Murphey
      1. $12,875.91 in the budget, had a check out for reimbursement to Jessica Iverson for Safety 2.R. Terry Otten- working on getting all the funds for the Washington code training. Looks like we pretty much broke even or made a little money on it.
  3. ICC Board Members Comments- ICC Board Members Comments- Donny Phipps- Looks forward to working with Region II and appreciates the amount of work put in on the Region and thanks us for having him on the call. Jim Brown- Thanks Region V for being on the call, the Board is working on their committee assignments as assigned by President Bill Bryant. Jim is on the Audit Committee this year. Reminder that we have our code hearings in Albuquerque NM in April. Early planning for the ABM is key the board meeting is Saturday October 19th so plan out the yearly schedule. The Wyoming Conference of Building Officials ABM will be November 13-15, in Casper. Mike Boso- is doing some swearing in, at Akron OH.  Mike is inviting other Region V members on the call to see what region II is up to. Appreciates Region V being on the call to learn what they can from Regional II as he believes RII sets the bar high. Jim Sayers- will be in Yosemite chapter officer installation then the Monterey bay Chapter officer installation. He will also be attending the Idaho ABM. Ron Hampton – Gave a high school technical training presentation to a carpentry class. He inspected the tiny home project that the class was working. Jack- These technical training programs are very important for training the next generation of code officials. David Spencer- Reminder to use the chapter ICC request to get a board member to the state ABM’s.  Group B code change proposals have been extended to the 14th of January. Washington State Building Code Council will be adopting all group A proposals that were from the Tall Wood Adhoc Committee.


  1. Partner Comments- ICC Staff
  2. Chris Ochoa- National Institute of Building Sciences did a study that found that every dollar that was invested in codes saves 11 dollars in natural disasters. Updated from 4 dollars for every one dollar invested. May is Building Safety Month. The theme is No Code No Confidence. The hashtag will be #BuildingSafety365.
  3. Alaska Earthquake Mark Panilo
  4. New Committee Reports Location Reminder- Michelle Linbarger- Cuppy is on a mission to support safety 2.R. RII is joining forces with Emerging Leaders Membership Council to send Cuppy on a voyage out across the country. Receivers of Cuppy will be posting photos on Social Media to get the word out. Jim Brown would like to see Cuppy go global. Cody- Each Committee will be putting together a report to be posted to our social media and websites. This will save us time in our meeting so we have more time to talk about new business and pressing matters. Committee Chairs please have your reports ready before the teleconference.
  5. Mark and the other Alaska code officials have been working on emergency services after the magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on November 30th. This was largest Earthquake since 1964. Interesting notes were they found much of the damage structurally they found were in areas that did not have good code enforcement in outlying areas. Typical damages were cracked drywall, falling objects of shelves, foundation cracking, walls out of plumb and subsiding. Subsidence was mainly attributed to ground failure. Again the major damages and structural failures are in unincorporated areas not subject to enforcement. Have had 2300 requests for structural inspections, 1100 have not been completed yet. Over 100 buildings have been red tagged, 800 that have been restricted and 1300 that have been tagged as green. Federal Government has issued a disaster declaration. Alaska is requesting additional funding due to new information and reporting. 6000 people have requested individual assistance from FEMA. Mark will be making a full report to be posted at a different time. Jack- We need to look at the experiences we saw in Alaska and use it to support building safety month.


New Business:

Open Discussion: David Spencer- Will Region II be putting out educational events on the website or social media? Jack- We are revamping our website to a paid website to get rid of unrelated ads. We will be making a Region II Calendar for the new website to post such things. Gary Shank- WABO proposed and approved recommending a couple members for 2.R. They will be supporting 2 members, a $4000 donation, for members from Washington. Jack- Thank you to WABO we will make some sort of memorandum of understanding to create and support those positions. David Spencer- If we could share a list to the Board Members so that there isn’t an overlap of who we are considering to bring to as Board Shadows. Jack- We may have the nominations committee pass the list over to Board to make sure that the overlap doesn’t happen. WABO would find this acceptable.


Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn David Spencer, Second Jim Brown

One comment on “JANUARY 9, 2019 MEETING MINUTES

  1. Jim Sayers
    February 12, 2019


    The minutes show Jon Laux as being from Montana. Jon is from Idaho.

    Thank you,

    Jim Sayers

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This entry was posted on February 12, 2019 by .


February 2019

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